Twin Falls & Barton Springs

Nov 21, 2021 | Austin, TX

We went to Fat Cat's in the morning, and Aaron got on one of his famous loops about how slow and unfriendly the old lady that served him was. The thing about Aaron is that if he gets mad at something he gets absolutely stuck on it where he has to reiterate his point of contention over and over again in barely different ways, and since he doesn't want anyone to be able to speak anyway, there isn't a very easy way to break him out of it.

We then went to Twin Falls with Aaron and Andrew. Erika was the first to jump in and it was even colder than the time before. Brian jumped in too, and Andrew waded knee deep. Aaron did not get in at all and kept going on about the quality of the water, how it probably wasn’t safe, etc. On the hike out, Erika spotted a very cute millipede and was very happy about it. No one else cared (except Brian, of course). We then went over to Barton Springs which is a semi man-made swimming spot. Aaron pissed off Erika on the way over because she told him she thought disc golf was dumb and he did his usual thing of pulling gender into the topic and telling her that it makes sense because girls just aren't strong enough to enjoy the sport. After seeing a well-built shirtless man at the springs, Aaron went off loudly about how he would never want to have six-pack abs because it only makes guys look like douche bags. And that anytime he has approached having a six pack, he has stopped exercising immediately in order to avoid this supposed fate.

In the evening we somehow offloaded Aaron to get some time alone. He texted Brian to show him the plate of BBQ that he had gotten for dinner, and that he had somehow paid $75 dollars for it (including a beer). Brian still doesn't understand how that's possible.

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